All The Episodes...
CDB 058: Giving Back with Esther Vaswani of freeflo
The devil is in the details, they say, and when it comes to reproductive rights, it's all details. Assumptions are made, details get missed, skipped or avoided. Esther started freeflo to make sure someone was taking care of the details for women in need....
CDB 057: Products and Public Speaking with Oli Gardner of Unbounce
Names are important with new products - sometimes you just have to stick with what's known. Unbounce's Oli Gardner shares his perspective on products, public speaking, and how not to die while photographing wildlife. [smart_track_player...
CDB 056: The Pomodoro Technique
Plan your work then work your plan. What get's scheduled gets done. From the Pomodoro technique to the 12 Week Year, James and Chris discuss the joys (and pains) of learning to adhere to self-imposed schedules. [smart_track_player...
CDB 055: Brews, Break-Ins and Bravado with Roy Furr
One of our most on point episodes to date. We talk with legendary copywriter and strategist Roy Furr about marketing micro-brews, turning break-ins into break throughs and the delicate art of hiring contractors. [smart_track_player...
CDB 054: Sustainable Lifestyles with Mary-Ellen and John Landry of SLS Health Coaching
In North America these days, healthy is the exception, not the rule. Mary-Ellen and John refuse to accept that as our inevitable fate, and have built a company around helping people build sustainable lifestyles. [smart_track_player...
CDB 053: Promoting Local with Adam Clawson of Red Rover and Coastliner Craft Cider
Getting your product to market is hard enough in any business, but when you're selling into the notoriously pedantic government-controlled world of liquor, you better be ready for some serious lateral thinking. [smart_track_player...
CDB 052: Mindful Movement with Amy Murphy of Make Art Ride Bikes
Moving your body is important, in both the short and long term. Amy Murphy has built successive businesses on this basic concept, finally settling on one that most fully represents her own, unique personal philosophy. [smart_track_player...
CDB 051: Fearless Storytelling with Chris Martin
Whether it's on film, on a blog or in a podcast, the things we humans most resonate with are stories, told fearlessly and with heart. Chris Martin devotes himself to telling those stories, through each of those mediums. [smart_track_player...
CDB 050: Defining Success with Joanna Wiebe of Airstory and Copy Hackers
Success is hard to define, especially without goals. We talk time management, alcohol delivery, and bad beer with the original conversion copywriter, Joanna Wiebe, Copy Hackers and Airstory founder. [smart_track_player...